Our Services
Every text that you entrust to us is translated by a translator who specializes in the field and revised by another translator. You are therefore certain to receive a top-quality translation completed by experienced translators.
Translations are billed on a per-word basis. Updates and repetitive texts are billed by the hour.
We take care of proofreading texts that are translated and revised by InteRmed. Proofreading is billed on an hourly basis.
Writing Assistance
If you’re having problems writing a text in English or in French, you can have it done by InteRmed. Our seasoned translators can help you to write a document in line with your expectations. We charge an hourly rate for writing assistance.
Language and Terminology Consulting
Looking for the proper term to use in a specific field? We can help you find it. This consulting service is offered free of charge.
Types of Documents
We are able to translate and revise a wide range of document types, including:
Medical and Pharmaceutical Translations
- Adverse reaction letters
- Advertisements
- Clinical trial reports
- Correspondence
- Fact sheets
- Informed consents (clinical trials)
- Investigator brochures (clinical trials)
- Labels and packaging materials
- Package inserts
- Patient brochures
- Patient Support Programs (PSPs)
- Pharmacoeconomic research reports
- Press kits
- Press releases
- Product monographs
- Promotional materials
- Research protocols
- Sales aids
- Training manuals
- Visual aids
- Websites
Administrative and Other Translations
- Advertisements
- Annual reports
- Confidentiality agreements
- Contracts
- Cost analyses
- Employment offers and letters of discharge
- Promotional materials
- Software
- Training courses
- User guides (instruction manuals)
- Websites
Our Areas of Expertise
Therapeutic Areas
- Cardiology
- Dermatology
- Endocrinology
- Gastroenterology
- Immunology
- Infectiology
- Neurology
- Neuroscience
- Oncology
- Ophthalmology
- Pharmacoeconomics
- Psychiatry
- Radiology
- Respirology
- Rheumatology
Administration and More
- Accounting
- Advertising
- Banking
- Finance
- Human resources
- IT
- Law
- Pay and benefits
- Stock market
- Supply chain management/automation
Our Customers
- Pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies
- Advertising agencies
- Public relations firms
- Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS)
- Universities